Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
1425 E. Shelby Drive | Memphis TN 38138 | (901) 346- 2380 New Here?Latest HomilyMass Schedule
Monday – Friday: 6:00 am & 8:15 am
Saturday: 8:15 am & 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:00 am, 10:00 am, & 12:30 pm (Espanol)

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday: 7:00 pm (English & Spanish)
Saturday: 9:00 am & 3:00 to 3:30 pm
Sunday: 20 minutes before each Mass
Or By Appointment
About Us
On behalf of the clergy, staff, and our entire family of parishioners, I welcome you to St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church!
For more than sixty years, St. Paul has served the families and residents of Whitehaven, southern Shelby County, and northern Mississippi. Our parish continues to grow, building upon our strong Catholic traditions and unique cultural diversity. The family of St. Paul has a fervent Catholic identity that is based upon our communion and unity with our Savior, Jesus Christ and with each other.
Under the patronage and intercession of St. Paul, we celebrate the apostolic tradition handed down through the history of the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Following the example of our patron we strive to answer that universal call to holiness by doing the will of our Father and being apostles to all nations. St. Paul parish lives out this mission through our ministries of religious education, community service, and fellowship in the worship of God and offers many opportunities for participation in the mission of our Church.
We especially welcome all visitors and tourists who would like to share in the celebration of Holy Mass and the Sacraments with our parish family. If you or your family have recently relocated into the area, please visit our parish office so we can get to know you. Join with us in the joy and fulfillment of our stewardship before God.
Yours sincerely in Christ Jesus,
Father Stephen Kenny
Latest Homily
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Our Mission & Vision
To Become the One Body of Christ
We the parishioners of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, a culturally rich and diverse Parish Community, nourished and sustained by the Eucharist and God’s Word, are committed to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in and beyond our community. This mission will be carried out using various means of evangelization:
Worship, Liturgy, Sacraments, Prayer
Retreats and Spiritual Formation
Community Outreach Services
Providing for the Catholic education of children, youths and adults
Responding to social justice concerns
We believe in the collaboration of Clergy, Religious, and Laity to achieve our common mission, which is to become the one Body of Christ.

Up Coming Events
Check out our Events page to see all the exciting opportunities going on at St. Paul parish.
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Here you can plan how to use the blessing and treasure God has given you.
Get Involved
We have amny opportunities for you to get involved serving the Lord at our Parish.
Service Times
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