This page is about all the special events and celebrations of the Christian life, both sacraments and other events, that take place here at St. Paul Church. Give OnineUpcoming EventsNext Steps
Let Us Help You on Your Christian Journey.
For baptism of an infant, the family must be registered in the parish a minimum of three months prior to the baptism date, and at least one of the parents must be a practicing Catholic.
Typically, English-speaking baptisms are by appointment, and Spanish-speaking baptisms are every Saturday of each month except during Lent.
Both parents must receive the required Baptismal Preparation. English-speakers must call the parish office for an appointment. A class is offered for Spanish-speakers on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Either way, you must call the parish office to set up your Preparation.
For a more detailed explanation, including requirements for godparents and what to expect on the day of the baptism, download our Baptism Guide, and contact the parish office for more information.
First Holy Communion & First Reconciliation
Preparation for First Holy Communion, which includes preparation for and reception of First Reconciliation, is arranged through our Parish Religious Education (PRE) program, which runs from September through the May.
Contact the parish office for more information about preparing for these Sacraments.
In many Latino cultures, when a girl turns 15, there is a special ceremony called a “quinceañera,” which involves a special mass near her 15th birthday. It is a time for the whole community to teach her about the life of virtue and Christian womanhood. The ceremony includes a special blessing, and a dedication to the Virgin Mary.
In order to make sure we can make every quinceañera a special day, we have prepared some guidelines for the celebration of this special day at St. Paul Church. To see our policies, please download our English language Quinceañera Guide or our Spanish language Quinceañera Guide, and contact the parish office for more information.
Presentation of a Child
Just as Mary and Joseph presented the child Jesus in the temple, in many Latino cultures parents “Present” their children to the Church when they are 3 years old. While not a sacrament (children who are presented are already baptized), it can be an important day for the whole community to offer their recognition and support to a family and their young child.
In order to make sure we can make every Presentation is special, we have prepared some guidelines for the celebration of this special day at St. Paul Church. To see our policies, please download our English language Presenation Guide or our Spanish language Presentation Guide, and contact the parish office for more information.
Like preparation for First Holy Communion, preparation for Confirmation is offered through the PRE program, and runs the course of the school year. Young people in the 8th grade are eligible to prepare for this sacrament that will seal them with the Holy Spirit and fully initate them into the life of the Body of Christ.
Contact the parish office for more information about preparing for this Sacrament.
Couples wishing to get married at St. Paul must make an appointment to see one of the priests at least 6 months before the proposed date of the wedding. Matrimony is one of the Seven Sacraments, and it is one of the most important events a person can experience. God intends Christian marriage as part of his plan for salvation, and we take marriage preparation very seriously.
For a more detailed outline of what’s required, please download our Marriage Guide (and share it with your wedding planner), and contact the parish office for more information.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initation for Adults)
The RCIA helps those who want to learn more about the Catholic Church before formally entering as a member. Maybe you grew up with no particular faith. Maybe your faith in Jesus has always been strong, but you want to enter into full communion with Catholic Church. Maybe you are married to a Catholic and just want to learn more about what your spouse believes. Everyone is welcome to inquire, study, learn, and share with others.
Beginning in September with basic inquiry, the RCIA climaxes in the spring with the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday), when those who have decided to enter the Church are brought into full communion through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Holy Communion (as appropriate).
The people going through the RCIA process require sponsors, so if you’re a member of the parish, please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to help.
Download and complete the RCIA Interview form. Bring it to the Church Office or you may mail it in. Our address is at the top of this page.
Contact Maria in the parish office for more information about the RCIA at (901) 346-2380.